Travel Nevada understands that destination development efforts often extend to areas beyond tourism. This page features external resources for our rural partners to access funding, training, and support for community and economic development. These resources can help communities move towards destination development goals and improve quality of life and services in their communities.
This page will be updated as new opportunities become available. Check back frequently for the latest federal and state funding opportunities!
More Grant Opportunties
Does your business or organization fall under one or any of these other categories? If so, here are additional grant opportunities to apply for in Nevada:
- Nevada Arts Council offers grants to support artists in Nevada.
- The National Endowment for the Arts funds creative placemaking as well as arts initiatives in underserved communities.
- Nevada Humanities awards matching project grants in three categories: Major Project Grants, Mini-Grants, and Planning Grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, education institutions, and government entities to support the implementation of public humanities projects throughout Nevada.
- Nevada Department of Transportation maintains a list of opportunities, including funding opportunities for EV charging, roadway safety, multi-modal transportation projects, and transit.
- NV Energy administers the Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan (ERTEP)
- Governor’s Office of Economic Development offers programs for rural communities.
- The Nevada Main Street program and Community Development Block Grants are good options for communities looking to grow.
- USDA Rural Development Programs and Services Page Includes programs for rural businesses, housing, community facilities, agriculture, and water/sewer development
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Nevada State Historic Preservation Office
- National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Fund (Includes funding for brick and mortar work and/or conservation work on historic sites, artifacts, and tribal heritage.)
- NPS offers other programs as well.
- Environmental Protection Agency offers technical assistance and funding programs.
- The EPA Brownfields grant may be of interest to former mining communities in rural Nevada.
- Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation
- Nevada State Parks administer grant programs:
- Recreational Trails Program (RTP)
- Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
- Nevada Division of Forestry maintains a list of grant programs to support wildfire prevention, conservation. and land stewardship.
- Nevada OHV Commission provides grants to fund off-highway vehicle related projects throughout the state including trail improvements, mapping, signage, law enforcement, education, safety training, restoration, and other projects.
- Bureau of Land Management administers SNPLMA and other programs to fund projects in Nevada through the sale of public lands, as well as Assistance Agreements
- National Park Trust offers funding programs to improve access to outdoor recreation, environmental stewardship, and education in our National Parks, National Trails, and/or Wild and Scenic Rivers. Opportunities to support youth education in the parks and through distance learning.
- Rails to Trails Conservancy emphasizes strategic investments that support significant regional and community trail development goals. Many of our funded projects are small in scope and scale and can be hard to finance within traditional funding streams.
- American Trails
- Trails Capacity Program: Supports partners to complete trail research, design, planning, stewardship, and maintenance projects that are inclusive, foster improved trail user behavior and connect trail assets to a broader spectrum of users. This program is targeted for non-Forest Service Federal lands, as well as State, local, and private lands.
- Legacy Trails Program: Enables project partners to complete trails projects on National Forest Land which improve watershed health, restore aquatic organism passages, preserve access, and decommission unauthorized and previously closed trails.
- Polaris offers grants up to $10,000 to off-road clubs, associations and grassroots groups to promote safe and responsible riding and preserve access. Funds can be used by organizations for trail development and maintenance projects, safety and education initiatives, lobbying and other projects to increase and maintain land access.
- NV Energy Foundation awards grants up to $15000 to nonprofit organizations for projects in their priority areas of environment, education and youth development, and safety and wellness.