In 2023, jobs sustained by visitor activity amounted to about one in every five jobs in the state.
Visitors in 2023 contributed a total of $83.7 billion in economic impact in 2023 including secondary impacts. This is an increase of 11.2% from the prior year.
Economic Vitality
The value of all visitor-associated goods and services produced in Nevada in 2023 reached nearly $37 billion, which equates to about 15.5% of Nevada’s economy.
Outdoor Recreation
Spending on outdoor recreation reached over $1.7 billion in 2023. Great Basin National Park welcomed over 146,000 visitors, and Nevada State Parks welcomed over 4.3 million visitors.
Household Impact
Each household in Nevada would need to be taxed an additional $5,161 to replace the visitor-generated taxes received by Nevada state and local governments in FY 2023.
The $23.6 billion in total income generated by tourism is the equivalent of $20,316 for every household in Nevada.
Heads in Beds
Room tax collections set a record in 2023 reaching over $32 million.
Travel & Tourism is a foundational cornerstone of Nevada’s economy. In 2023, over 52 million travelers visited Nevada.
Tax Generation
Tourism in Nevada generated $12.5 billion in tax revenue in fiscal year 2023, and $6 billion accruing to state and local governments.
Rural Nevada
In 2023, room tax collections in Nevada’s 15 rural counties increased from pre-pandemic levels by about 26.6%.
Visitor Spending
The $55.2 billion in visitor spending in 2023 means that more than $151 million was spent every day by visitors in Nevada.
Money for General Fund
Travel Nevada is one of the only state entities to generate money for the General Fund each year without drawing any money off of it.
Nevada’s Tourism Territories
The Nevada Commission on Tourism was created in 1983 at the proposal of Governor Richard H. Bryan with the intent of diversifying the state’s gaming-based economy. The general goal was to create a more stable economic base in local communities in terms of economic development and to position Nevada as a business and leisure destination. As such, rural counties were divided into territories with the purpose of tourism promotion.

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