Nevada Commission on Tourism Approves $1 Million in Destination Development Projects to Grow Tourism in Rural Nevada

RENO, NV – The Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT) today approved funding for two Destination Development projects to expand tourism offerings in rural Nevada communities.  

Travel Nevada’s Destination Development Design (3D) Project is a long-range, tourism-based community planning program providing rural communities across Nevada the opportunity to expand their tourism economies. Selected destinations complete six months of consulting that will provide guidance and recommendations for growing tourism in a way that is authentic, sustainable, and supports the community’s culture, heritage, and character. 

The projects awarded today were the second cohort of participants. Their applications were reviewed and evaluated by a panel of experts, including representatives from Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Nevada Arts Council, Nevada Division of Outdoor Recreation, Nevada Small Business Development Center, Bureau of Land Management, and Travel Nevada. 

During a special commission meeting, NCOT commissioners approved funding for the following projects: 

  • Boulder City was awarded $368,650 to fund positions for Boulder City Chamber of Commerce to implement initiatives outlined in the 10-year destination plan. Included in the plan is new signage and the purchase of a vehicle which will serve as the “Best Dam 411 Infomobile,” a mobile visitor center that will travel throughout the region to promote the destination.  
  • The Cultural Corridor (Carson City, Carson Valley, and Virginia City) was awarded $631,350 to establish a not-for-profit organization to spearhead development and to hire an executive director to manage organizational projects. These funds will also support branding of the Cultural Corridor with wayfinding and interpretive signage, helping visitors navigate through the region, website and app development, research, professional development, and public art installation in each of the Cultural Corridor communities. 

“As Lt. Governor, I have made it my mission to travel our state and visit the communities that contribute to our state’s culture and history. While on the road, I have met many passionate tourism partners who strive to make a difference in their communities,” said Stavros Anthony, Lt. Governor and Chair of NCOT. “The 3D projects not only boost the economy but influence a sense of pride throughout the community.” 

Along with funding Boulder City and the Cultural Corridor projects, NCOT selected two destinations to participate in cohort three, whose destination plans are slated to be complete in April 2025. Cohort three participants include:   

  • Walker Basin Conservancy (WBC) will develop a 10-year sustainability-focused destination plan to link the communities connected by the Walker River (Topaz, Smith, Yerington, Schurz, and Hawthorne) with a unified sense of place and an immersive, educational visitor experience.  
  • Friends of Sutro Tunnel will develop a 10-year destination plan to support cultural and heritage tourism in Dayton through the development of amenities and attractions, and link Dayton’s history with neighboring Virginia City through their shared Comstock history. 

For more information on the 3D Project, visit


Travel Nevada (the Nevada Division of Tourism) is part of the Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs. It is responsible for promoting and marketing Nevada as a travel destination. Operating within a performance-based budget structure, Travel Nevada is funded solely by a percentage of lodging tax paid by overnight guests throughout the state. For more, visit